Eating clean, or avoiding processed foods, is a pretty hot topic lately. And of course every magazine in the grocery store lines has something shouting at you about health. Any media outlet you come across blares it into any of the 5 senses it can reach: the billboards and internet are as bad or worse than the magazine sitting quietly in their racks; the radio and television ads blare at you from the sound systems, sometimes unwanted background noise, simmering with ‘health’ news or commercials.
Information overload begins to weigh on your shoulders. A sudden urge comes to grab the nearest unhealthy snack. Teenage-like rebellion rears its ugly head and we figuratively close our eyes and ears to the ‘evil’ descending upon us, overwhelming us.
Sometimes eating clean, or healthy, just seems too difficult. Which choice is the ‘right’ choice? Is the right choice for you also the right choice for me? How do I know? Says who? And on top of all that… How can I afford it? Is it even expensive? Look at how cheap all of this processed food is. Not to mention how quick and easy it is to cook.
Am I reading your mind? Or that of someone you know?
The link to a blog article (and the blog itself!) might help. It is called:
Eating Clean on a College Budget: How to Cut Out Processed Foods…and Add Clean Foods into Your Diet.
Sometimes I still feel like I am on a college budget – oh, wait, I am! My husband went back to school… ha Well you may feel like you are still on a college budget, or maybe you are back to one, too! At any rate, we all have to budget our time, money and other resources. Not only does this blogger help make it seem easy to budget the money aspect of clean eating, but she also makes the whole IDEA of eating healthy seem easy, so wanted to share it with you!
Happy healthy and clean eating! By the way - she also posts a nice little grocery list of items that she 'always has on hand.'
(from my post on another blog of mine called The Treasure Trove)
Related articles
- You Are What You Eat (
- Eat Clean My Friends! (
- What is Clean Eating Anyway? (
- Quick and Clean: 40 Non-Processed Snacks That Meet Your Need For Speed (
- Cleansing VS Dieting (
- Healthy eating app a hit (
- How expensive is it to eat clean? (
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