Sunday, June 9, 2013

1st and 2nd Breakfasts

1st and 2nd breakfasts are nearly a must in my house. First and Second Breakfasts. You know, from Lord of the Rings? Haven't read it? Or seen it? I wouldn't have, either, if my husband hadn't dragged me along, actually. That was my favorite part - I am all about 1st and 2nd breakfasts! I have always enjoyed starting my day out with a nice simple bowl of cereal.

I am: The Cereal Fiend. I will eat all of mine and all of yours, too, if given the chance! hahahahah <in tiny little mean voice> Of course, I used to eat only 'empty' cereals and this would definitely require more food within the hour. Depending on how busy I became. I'm sure you understand first- or second- hand how long cereals without any nutritional value last (despite what the print on their boxes may claim). So imagine my joy when I discovered that I am not just short like a hobbit (thankfully I do not have there large, hairy feet), but 2nd breakfasts really DO exist! Sort of.

And now, as a mother of a toddler who, in my opinion, just goes to bed too late and gets up too early, I am still convinced the 1st and 2nd breakfasts are a must. After all, how much can I be expected to do when just rolling out of bed at my darling Edan's beck and call? Fortunately, he has learned to like yogurt. Unfortunately, I have not convinced him to like plain yogurt. Which means he is getting all that nasty sugar in the flavored kind. No matter that I pick up the 'healthy' stuff. It is still loaded. I tell myself that at least he is getting the calcium a growing kid needs. And I add in the healthy granola cereal to help hold him over until I am ready to eat. Nature's Path Organic is supposed to be at the top of the list for good cereals. We picked up the Chia Plus Coconut Chia Granola and my darling Edan likes that with his yogurt.

Coincidentally, by the time I've gotten him up, stumbled into the bathroom with him, 'listened' to his stories, and prepared his breakfast, I have actually decided I need something, too. So I pour myself a bowl of Mom's Best Sweetened Wheat-fuls (also highly recommended). To my dismay, sugar is the second ingredient on the list. But I figure since it only has 3 ingredients total - and good food should have no more than 5 - I'm okay. It's way better than what I use to eat!

So by the time brunch rolls around my husband (if he happens to be here - i.e; if it's a weekend) is ready to eat so we have our 2nd breakfast, my son and I. Farm eggs, if possible. Whole wheat or whole grain toast (not 'enriched'). Ezekiel bread is definitely top-notch (my nutritionist friend even told me this - it's not based on personal research!) but I can't stand the cardboard taste. Men's Bread or Women's bread is SO much better. They are usually in the cold sections. But still pricey, in my opinion. I have just been buying regular 'ol stuff off the grocery store shelf for now, that says 'whole wheat' or 'whole grain' as long as on the ingredients it doesn't say 'enriched.' It doesn't tasted good, either, but if you put some butter - the good fat - and peanut butter - only the natural kind (you can find this practically anywhere) you begin not to notice the taste of the bread.

Happy eating!

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