Saturday, June 1, 2013

Do Your Favorite Snack Brands Contain GMOs?

GMO's. Genetically Modified Organisms. Natural flavors apparently can now also mean MSG, which is equivalent to 'you can't just stop at one''

Love, love love this site, so far. And, sadly, yes, my favorite brands DO contain all that bad stuff. <sigh> It is difficult, giving up what is so lovely to my taste buds.

Which is why I posted the poll on what non-GMO snacks are the best! I will eat as healthy as I can but I cannot give up my snacks! There is a limit, you know - as I said in my 'about me' area: I am not one who can go 100% whole food or pure. Maybe one day, but it will take a gradual uphill crawl. Never say 'never,' right?

Even when it does end up on my hips. And of course into the very cells of my body, harming the very thing I am supposedly trying to protect (not that I have absolute control, or any, possibly) - my kidney. However, I do better at keeping my tot away from the obviously bad foods. Still... if I am not here to care for him in a few years, and I could have been here longer had I eaten better, am I doing him enough good, in the end?

Perhaps I should have my taste buds removed.  :(   I truly am good at self-control. In other areas.

But I digress. Enough lamenting and back to this great link:

Do Your Favorite Snack Brands Contain GMOs?

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